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How to Delete Your Pixiv Account Step By Step Easy Guide

In today's digital age, maintaining control over your online presence and protecting your privacy is of utmost importance. Whether it's due to privacy concerns, changing preferences, or simply wanting to take a break from social platforms, you may find yourself wanting to delete your Pixiv account. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of deleting your Pixiv account, explore the impact of this action, and discuss alternative options available to you.

How to Delete Your Pixiv Accoun 

Importance of online privacy

In an era where personal information is easily accessible and privacy breaches are common, safeguarding your online privacy has become crucial. By deleting your Pixiv account, you can regain control over your personal data and minimize the potential risks associated with online platforms.

Reasons for wanting to delete a Pixiv account

There can be various reasons why someone may choose to delete their Pixiv account. Some common motivations include:

  1. Privacy concerns: You may have concerns about the amount of personal information shared on Pixiv and prefer to limit your digital footprint.
  2. Reducing online presence: If you're striving to create a more minimalistic online presence or manage your time better, deleting your Pixiv account can be a step in that direction.
  3. Changing interests: Over time, your interests and artistic preferences may change, and you might want to disassociate from the content you previously engaged with on Pixiv.

Now, let's dive into the step-by-step process of deleting your Pixiv account.

Steps to delete a Pixiv account

Step 1: Log in to your Pixiv account

To initiate the account deletion process, log in to your Pixiv account using your credentials. This ensures that you have access to the necessary account settings.

Step 2: Access account settings

Once logged in, locate the account settings section. This is typically accessible through the user profile or a dedicated settings menu.

Step 3: Locate the account deletion option

Now in the account settings, search for the account deletion option. Pixiv may use different terminology for this feature, such as "Close Account" or "Delete Account." Click on this option to proceed.

Step 4: Provide valid reason for account deletion

Pixiv might prompt you to provide a reason for deleting your account. This feedback helps them understand user preferences and improve their platform. Select an appropriate reason from the provided options or provide additional details if requested.

Step 5: Confirm the account deletion

After providing a reason, Pixiv will ask you to confirm your decision to delete the account. Take a moment to ensure you want to proceed, as this action is irreversible. If you're certain, proceed with the deletion process.

Step 6: Follow-up actions after deleting the account

Once your Pixiv account is deleted, it's advisable to take a few follow-up actions:

  • Remove any saved content: Ensure you have saved copies of any important artwork or content before deleting your account, as you will lose access to it once the account is gone.
  • Update linked accounts: If you've used your Pixiv account to sign in or link with other platforms, consider updating those connections to avoid any potential login issues.

Impact of deleting a Pixiv account

Loss of access to saved content

By deleting your Pixiv account, you will no longer have access to any artwork, illustrations, or content you've saved within the platform. Make sure to download and save any important files before proceeding with the deletion.

Removal of personal information from the platform

Deleting your Pixiv account will result in the removal of your personal information from the platform. This includes your username, profile information, and associated data.

Discontinuation of notifications and updates

Once your Pixiv account is deleted, you will no longer receive any notifications, updates, or emails from Pixiv. This can be beneficial if you wish to minimize your online distractions.

Alternatives to deleting a Pixiv account

While deleting your Pixiv account is a permanent action, there are alternative options available if you're unsure about completely removing your presence from the platform.

Temporary deactivation

If you're looking for a break or want to step away from Pixiv temporarily, consider deactivating your account. Temporary deactivation allows you to regain access to your account and its content at a later time while ensuring your personal information remains intact.

Adjusting privacy settings

Pixiv provides various privacy settings that allow you to control the visibility of your profile, artwork, and activities. Adjusting these settings can help you maintain a level of privacy while still being a part of the Pixiv community.

Creating a new account

If you're seeking a fresh start or want to explore different interests, creating a new Pixiv account is always an option. This allows you to maintain separate identities and engage with content that aligns with your current preferences.


Deleting your Pixiv account is a personal choice that depends on your individual circumstances and preferences. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can confidently proceed with deleting your Pixiv account, knowing the impact and alternatives available to you. Remember to consider the potential loss of saved content and the removal of personal information before making your final decision.


  1. Can I recover my deleted Pixiv account?

    • No, the deletion of a Pixiv account is permanent and irreversible. Make sure to download any important files or artwork before proceeding.
  2. What happens to my followers and the artists I follow when I delete my Pixiv account?

    • Once your Pixiv account is deleted, your followers and the artists you follow will no longer see your account or receive updates from you.
  3. Will deleting my Pixiv account remove my comments and interactions on other users' posts?

    • Yes, your comments and interactions on other users' posts will be removed along with your account.
  4. Can I use the same email address to create a new Pixiv account after deleting my old one?

    • Yes, you can use the same email address to create a new Pixiv account if you decide to return to the platform.
  5. Are there any consequences to temporarily deactivating my Pixiv account?

    • No, temporary deactivation allows you to take a break from Pixiv without permanently deleting your account. You can reactivate it at any time.